This Fathers Day, don’t get your dad a tie, get him high.

Cannabis & CBD gifts for your favorite dad in 2020, a Fathers Day for the history books.

Carolyn Kissick
3 min readJun 17, 2020

Alright folks its 2020. The good news? It’s finally appropriate to get your dad cannabis for father’s day!

Golf Dad

Mary’s Medicinals Transdermal Cannabis CBD Patches (Photo Credit: Alex L. Person)
Mary’s Medicinals Transdermal Cannabis Patches (Photo Credit: Alex L. Person)

Topicals are the sleepers of cannabis products, often overlooked, but very therapeutic if you find the right ones. Enter the Mary’s Medicinals Transdermal Patches. Mary’s Medicinals Topicals have been a long time favorite of mine and never disappoint. Mess is ultra minimal here. As much as I love a super sticky therapy balm made the old school way, that doesn’t work when I’ve gotta go out in public. These are 2x2 patches that you apply to somewhere like the inside of your wrist for 8–12 hours. The first time I used a 1:1 THC to CBD patch I felt a super soothing happiness wash over me and relief for the rest of the day. Still not down for the THC? Try the CBD only patch instead!

Cannabis Flower for the Daytime Dad

cannabis, cbd, strains
Cannabis flower with lower THC percentages keep everything low key!

Most cannabis flower I go for during daytime activities are less than 20%, ideally around 15–17%, and the dad’s I’ve talked to agree. The old market cannabis they are used to was not this hyper bred specialized flower we see today. Ideally find a strain with low THC and a significant percentage of CBD and not only are you setting him up for a great day, but also some good old fashioned healing. Blue Shark, ACDC, and Painkiller XL are some ideal strains but best bet, ask your budtender about what they have on the shelf!


Plus Cucumber Lime Edibles delivered straight to your door in California by Sava

Man, was I living in New York that long? California edibles are much improved from my last experience. Dosages seem to be much more exact and also, diverse. For dad’s that are just venturing in to the edible space, consider products with exact dosing and low THC percentages. They can always take more, but no one needs to go through the “I ate too much” experience if we can help it. These Cucumber Lime gummies from Plus. 3.5mg THC with 1.5mg CBD. I start feeling these even sooner than most other edibles, usually within 20–25 minutes. They’re mellow, and again, I love that CBD healing bonus. If you’re in California, Sava stocks these and offers great delivery.

Field Trip

Take dad for a field trip to a cannabis dispensary and learn from the bud tenders there!

Take your dad to a dispensary! They’re essential businesses and what a better reason to go for a visit. I rarely go in anymore myself but I love my delivery guys and I always make sure to tip well. Google dispensaries in your area and read the reviews before you make your choice!

The Cool Dad

Higher Standards Heavy Duty Rig for Father’s Day

Okay — I know there are some of you out there going, “My dad knows more about this than YOU ever will lady!” And you’re right! Some dads are way past this list and for them, I suggest Higher Standards. Accessories, hardware, its all top of the line and so stylish. I really like the folks at the Chelsea Market location and they’ve had to close for a bit so let’s show them some love!



Carolyn Kissick

Emerging markets specialist, producer, and writer. Thought leader in Tequila, cannabis, & immersive experiences. @carolynalia